March 29, 2025

Come out and visit us at Deep Roots Home and Garden Center, 28284 Constitution Hwy, Rhoadesville, VA 22542.

We’re here till 4 pm TODAY March 29th. Lots of cool merchandise. Talk to our volunteers. All proceeds go to feed the animals at Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary.

ALSO – from noon – 2 pm, Rikki’s Refuge is OPEN for DONATION-DROP OFF and you can visit the animals on self guided tours. 21410 Constitution Hwy, Rapidan, Route 20, just down the road from Deep Roots, at the Rainbow Fence, turn at Quarterhorse Ln and immediately into our gate. Doug, our sanctuary manager, will be waiting to meet you there !!!

We can only feed our animals if you help us out, please stop by, make a donation, bring food, or help us out on line.

March 14, 2025

The goats were engaged in an exciting game of kick ball ….

when suddenly they paused ….

here comes Uncle Paul with the Door Dash Delivery of produce !!!!

Mmmmm Mmmmm looks like we have two pallets of celery and other fresh veggies and fruits today !!!

Everybody is happy ….. except the cats

and dogs …

nothing for them today …. and they refuse to eat celery.
Would you help them buy a case of food they like? $15.36 will get a case of cat or dog food.
Can you spare a few bucks to help them out?

Can YOU quack?

Can you quack? I NEED YOUR HELP — last year’s duck will be in Spain this year and miss Rikki’s Refuge’s Easter Egg Hunt with a Day of Fun Activities and Easter Hat Contest.

Saturday, April 19th, the event will run from noon to 3 pm. Easter Egg hunting by age groups and so much more. Our DUCK has always been the hit of the show. CAN YOU come to help us at Rikki’s Refuge, and don the outfit and be OUR DUCK !!! No age limit as long as you’re at least 4’9″ tall to safely wear the suit, you can be 10 or 100 or anything in between. Just wonder around and QUACK to the kids !! If your time is limited. 12-1 is the most important time for DUCK’s presence !!!
Thank you, please let us know asap if Rikki’s Refuge can count on YOU !!!
Thanks !!
email: or message us at

February 17, 2025 Happy Presidents Day

Hey Patrick, Riley, did you see how empty the pantry is? I’m not sure there’s nuf cans for dinner. What’s this presidents’ day thing all about? Show me all the green president papers you got this week.

We need to work together here to collect ‘em all so we can take the goat cart to the cat food store and get more. Riley, can you count?

Patrick, how many cans can we buy with all these presidents? I don’t think it’s gonna be nuf. Hey YOU, yes, YOU hooman reading this. Will YOU help us, pleaz? WOW can you imagine how many cans a benjamin paper would buy!!! I never seen one of them. But if you have a spare one ….. an andrew will buy is a case, like 24 cans. Did you know we need 26 cases everyday for us each to get some for breakfast and dinner. And we really like our canned nums, especially when it’s so cold. But even a george or two will really help us out !!! Green presidents is all good cus the cat nums store will trade them all !!
Thank you so much, Mufasa
PS when I get rich and famous, I promise to take you out for nums too!!

You can make a deductible contribution in so many ways !
by going to our website
or by mailing a check
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
or on the site of your choice
Venmo Rikki’s Refuge

or by sending a care package to us at
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 66, Rapidan VA 22733



LOTS !!!

October 23, 2024 – Wet Food Wednesday

Wet Food Wednesday here at Rikkis Refuge Animal Sanctuary

YES !! It’s Wet Food Wednesday !!! And the cats and dogs NEED YOUR HELP !! Please send them a case. They’re not picky, any kind will do. We’re having to scrounge the local store shelves to find enough each day right now. PLEAZ send some !!!

You can use our wish lists, we do our best to keep them updated with the best prices:

You can mail packages to
Rikki’s Refuge
PO Box 66
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

If you’d rather go shopping, you can drop off at Re-Tail our Thrift Shop in Fredericksburg, 3503 Lafayette Blvd. Or in the donation box alllllll the way down Barr Ln, just before the gate. Or at Giant at Hilltop Shopping center in Fredericksburg. OR you can come visit us on Saturday, 10/26, from noon-2 during Donation Drop Off when the gate on rt 20 will be open.
21410 Constitution Hwy, Rapidan. That’s at the corner of rt 20 (Constitution Hwy) and Quarterhorse Ln, at the end of the RAINBOW FENCE. Do not go down Quarterhorse Ln, a small gravel road, or you’re in the wrong place. You gotta come in our gate to Life Center Way!!!

And I’ll even make a deal with you if you don’t wanna be bothered looking on line or going shopping if you send me some green trading papers, I’ll learn to drive the goat cart tonight and go shopping for you !!!

Crybaby says these things (paper towel rolls) are great to play with after the big 2 legged creatures use all the white paper off of them. But, they need more please? I promised not to gack any hairballs till they have more paper towels, but I have a lot of hair, and I like to keep clean, and ….. please hurry ….. I feel a good gack coming on ……

Can you see who’s up on the roof together?

We just can’t get our ducks together ….. but we’re doing pretty good on lining up the cats !!

Who’s hungry ?????

Yuck!! This water has NO flavor.

Mmmm so much better over here ……

Hey YOU … yes YOU …. would you do me a favor and bring the hoomans some bleach … they’re always complaining about the flavoring we add to our water and saying they have to sanitize our homes ….. silly hoomans.

It’s a potato plant, in Piggy Paradise!! Now how’s that get there? The pigs missed eating a potato and it started growing. I wonder how long it will grow before someone decides to eat it !!!

A couple persimmons left on the tree and the pigs are already fighting over who’s gonna get ‘em!

Love from Charlie

YOUR official SpokesKat
PS: can you help me be a good SpokesKat on my first Wet Food Wednesday?

October 22, 2024

Another beautiful day on planet earth !!! What a wonderful planet to live on!

Hey YOU! Are you coming out on Saturday the 26th to visit us? And bring ME NUMS?
and that means the gate will be open from NOON to 2 pm
21410 Constitution Hwy, Rapidan. That’s at the corner of rt 20 (Constitution Hwy) and Quarterhorse Ln, at the end of the RAINBOW FENCE. Do not go down Quarterhorse Ln, a small gravel road, or you’re in the wrong place. You gotta come in our gate to Life Center Way!!!

Patrick high fives Doug for serving delicious nums ….. and cleaning up for all of us.

Wouldn’t it be a great day to have your nums delivered while you laz around in the sun? Them lucky sheep. Why do we have SpokesKats that have to work when everybody else around here just lazes in the sun?

Here’s a quiz for YOU! Let’s see if you can guess where Shadow has found some shade to hang out? Come on, tell me your guess?

We all know where he is, but we’re not telling. It’s a really cool place when it’s not facing the sun and the day started out chilly and no hooman has used it yet today.


Love from Charlie
YOUR official SpokesKat

PS: can you help me have enough to feed everybody breakfast tomorrow?

October 18, 2024.

It’s Friday !!! And what’s that mean?

Yup!! It’s $5 Friday !!!

Did you know that a donation of $5 can go a loooong way ???

It sure can !!! You can care for five animals for a day, everything they need, food, shelter, cleaning, supplies, and LOVE !! Pick your species to support !!! Would you like FIVE CATS today? Or FIVE COWS ?? How about DOGS or HORSES or CHICKENS? We’ve got something for everyone !!

Can’t spare $5? Even $1 will help !! or see other options at the bottom.

You knew we started work at Rikki’s Refuge before sunrise, didn’t you?

BUT did you know today we started work before moonset?

By the time the sun is peeking over the trees the horses are hollaring for hay !!!

Had to load up and bring in donations – hope there’s enough to feed everybody today.

Bahhh Bahhhh Black Sheep …….. sheep?

You can’t see me hiding here!!

It’s certainly turned into a beautiful day at the refuge !!

It’s a wonderful life for of u Lucky critters !!

Love from Charlie
YOUR official SpokesKat

Go to our website
or mail a check: Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
or use the site of your choice
Venmo Rikki’s Refuge
OR you can order some cat and dog food online from one of our Wish Lists

October 21, 2024, Magical Monday

Have a Magical Monday !!!!

Madison says before and after school Rikki’s work is way better than any daycare !!!! Why would she need somebody to take care of her when she can be here taking care of the animals !!!


Can you imagine what this place sounded like a few minutes ago? Do you have A cat or two or six that wake you up in the morning singing about the wonderful nums you need to get up and serve them? Imagine all these cats singing in unison !!!! Soon as they see the slightest glimmer of the headlights from Doug’s truck, the songs start!!

Imagine what it takes to feed just these !! And how many more are in other houses and running around?
We need lots of canned food NOW. Please send some our way, or come out on Saturday from noon till 2 pm for Donation Drop Off, the gates will be open!! We really need bleach and papertowels too!

It’s about time that hoomans can see now and can turn off their headlamps. They don’t see so good in the dark you know! Ok, Mr. Doug, headlight time off. Talk about having a 3rd eye !!

Do YOU know what emus eat? Tell me the right answer and you can come to Donation Drop Off on Saturday and bring some !!

Moooo — another absolutely lovely day!!

Love from Charlie
YOUR official SpokesKat

October 20, 2024

Madison hopes you have a good Sunday !!!!

Any day she gets to go to work with daddy is a good day !!!

Even when their day starts before moonset!!!

Braaaaaaay ……….

Some cats like to be high.

And some like to …… SWIM?

And some like to dare you to come take their feather away !!!

Moooooo …….

Oink ………

Have a beautiful sunny Sunday,
Love Charlie

PS — please help me feed every one. Even $1 is a huge help.